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Happy New Year Resolutions

imageHappy 2013! 2012 was a great year, and I hope that 2013 will be even better. To assist, I decided to create resolutions this year.  I don't usually create resolutions because I believe that they aren't maintainable.  Too often we hear of the gym membership that expired after a month due to disuse, the 20 pounds to lose that became 2 pounds, the bad habit that we were going to break... tomorrow…

But what I do like about new year resolutions is that the new year is a fresh start, a way to wipe the slate clean and wish for a better and brighter future.  To make sure my resolutions don't become those drift into the ether, I need specific tasks that will force me to accomplish this.

So with that optimistic outlook, my professional resolutions for 2013:

  • Blog twice a month. This will be my hardest resolution based on past history. ;)
  • Tasks:
    • Tell people I'm going to do this (DONE!)
    • Create an initial list of blog topics and dates - is there anything you want to read about?
    • Add task reminders to my RememberTheMilk list so that I don't forget
  • Learn more about PowerPivot, BISM, and DAX.
  • Tasks:
  • Learn more about Windows Azure SQL Reporting.  I haven't delved into the exciting world of Microsoft cloud options, and I want to be able to intelligently share the different options available to people.
  • Tasks:
    • Set up my own account to explore the options
    • Create a comparison chart of pros and cons for cloud versus traditional BI/reporting options
  • Explore EIM  integration of DQS, MDS, SSIS. Matt Masson delivers a great presentation that shows how to use these three products together to create an EIM infrastructure.  I believe the real power of these tools include using each product to create a full data ecosystem.
  • Tasks:
    • Find a realistic example and implement a solution
  • Employee Management Training. On the "soft skills" side, I need to learn more about management.  I've recently agreed to start taking on minions--er, I mean managing employees.  This is an entirely new skill for me.  Since it directly affects the development and career of others, I really don't want to screw it up.
  • Tasks:
    • Harvard ManageMentor training.  I am lucky to be part of a company that believes in training its employees by offering opportunities such as this.  I plan on utilizing this service this year
    • Read The First-Time Manager

I think that's enough to start 2013 off right.  What are your resolutions?


Tim Mitchell said…
Good list! I share your struggle with blogging - I look at my own blog in years past, and I used to be much more active than I am now.
Chris Nelson said…
I'm going outside the SQL Server environment and spend time exploring data analysis with Python and Linux. There's some real nifty tools and utilities that merit some exploration.
Jessica M. Moss said…
Thanks everyone, and good luck with your own resolutions!

Unknown said…
Dipping your toes in the management pool is a bold step.. I am on a similar path with my company and look forward to it but there will always be 'challenges' with taking this task.. I hope it doesnt stress you out too much.
Anonymous said…
You're a little behind on Resolution #1! ;)

Unknown said…
Managment? Nooooo!!!! They will take a little part of your brain!

I plan to post my resolutions soon too, and the short form is read and learn more/write more. The slightly longer form is to use my non-day-job-time to do what I love and stop doing stuff I don't love.

Happy New Year!
Unknown said…
Hmm, that "read and learn more/write more; do what you love" comment was from Louis (@drsql). Not sure how my Google Account came up as Unknown :)
Theron Knapp said…
Same resolution for 2014? Maybe just two blog posts for the year instead....
I look forward to something fresh as I click subscribe.

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