One of my favorite times of the year is the PASS Community Summit. It's five jam-packed days of SQL Server sessions by Microsoft employees, MVPs, and the people that you read about in technical books. It's pre-conference and post-conference workshops on all different levels of topics of SQL Server. It's a way to meet new people who love to do what you love to do and connect with old friends who you only see once a year. It's a way to get a job or sell a job. It's all of this and so much more that I can't even begin to describe.
I'm excited to attend for the third year starting tomorrow. If you are attending the Summit, I hope you'll come and introduce yourself. You can find me at one of these locations/times:
Monday, November 2, 2009
Networking Pre-Con - I'm really excited to learn about the best ways to meet people and meet other people who are interested in the same thing!
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Birds of a Feather Lunch (Expo Hall 4B) - I am hosting a table during lunch on “Is Business Intelligence an Oxymoron?”. I'm looking forward to hearing your thoughts on how we can incorporate the business into our data warehouse and delivery design.
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Women in Technology Luncheon and Panel Discussion (Room 6BC) - I am one of the panelists discussing “Energizing the Next Generation: Encouraging and Inspiring Young Women to Choose Tech Careers”.
“Adding SSRS Report Bells and Whistles” (Room 612 (165) ) – I am presenting on Reporting Services 2008 design best practices and guidance.
Thursday, November 5, 2009
12:00pm - 12:30pm
Book Signing (South Lobby, across from Summit Bookstore) – I’ll be hanging out by the bookstore as one of the authors of Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Integration Services Problem-Design-Solution. Definitely come by if you have any question about the book!
Of course, I will also be attending sessions and some evening events, so please come and talk to me there instead. I’m looking forward to attending the best Summit yet.
It will be my pleasure
Jessica Moss´s eternal slave
select x.*, y.col1, y.col2 from table1 as x inner join table2 as y on y.[Y ID] = x.XID
AS per my businees logic i need use the query as sql command from variable. When i am running the package after the setting DelayValidation to True, I am getting the below errors..Please help me on this..
"[OLE source table1]] Warning: The external columns for component "OLE source" (1) are out of synchronization with the data source columns. The external column "col2" (601) needs to be removed from the external columns. The external column "Col1" (598) needs to be removed from the external columns."..
[SSIS.Pipeline] Error: "component "OLE source table1 " (1)" failed validation and returned validation status "VS_NEEDSNEWMETADATA".
Advanced Thanks!!..